Livestream Clips

What If Your Pirate Name Started with A?

Durf and Intern Kristie go entirely too deep into the world of pirate names.

Intern Kristie's Star Trek Memories

Intern Kristie reminisces about some of the greatest moments in Star Trek history.

Was Buzz Aldrin Ever on Star Trek: The Next Generation?

Buzz Aldrin was an astronaut, but did he ever set foot on the Enterprise? Check out this clip to find out!

What Gives Slutty Bane the Audacity?

Slutty Bane dares talk to Intern Kristie? What gives them THE AUDACITY!?!?!

Weird Star Wars Merchandise

Do you know which pieces of strange Star Wars merchandise are real?

What File Format Does a Jedi Get Saved As?

Last Friday, Jass Fadson Montgomery asked an important question. "What file format does a Jedi get saved as?" Find out with this clip from GRAND TRIVIA!

Did Luke Skywalker Date a Computer?

Did Luke Skywalker date a computer? Find out with this clip from GRAND TRIVIA!

KFC's Valentine's Innovations

In this clip from Grand Trivia, we talked about some of the ways Kentucky Fried Chicken has innovated Valentine's Day.